Financial Aid Junior Jump Start Session - Ambridge Area School District

Financial Aid Junior Jump Start Session

Attention Parents/Guardians:

The Ambridge Area High School Guidance Department would like to share the following information:

We would like to share information for the upcoming Junior Jump Start program virtual presentation by Wendy Dunlap, PHEAA Partner.  On May 5th, at 6:30 p.m., Wendy will be offering a Jump Start program for 11th grade students and families.  Information will be shared about how to get a jump on understanding higher education costs and financial aid.  The presentation will also discuss how to prepare to apply for scholarships and other types of financial aid.

Please feel free to register using the embedded registration link on the attached flyer or the direct link below:


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Contact Info
  • 901 Duss Avenue
  • 724.266.2833