Ambridge Area School District Staff, and Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
On August 31st, 2021, the Acting Pennsylvania Secretary of Health issued and signed a mandatory order:
“requiring face coverings to be worn in all school entities, including school districts, brick and mortar and cyber charter schools, private and parochial schools, career and technical centers, intermediate units, and early learning and other child care settings, effective Tuesday, September 7, 2021. This statewide Order reflects the current statewide data—all 67 counties are reporting high or substantial rates of community transmission of COVID-19—and the fact that our young people represent the largest remaining segment of our population that is unvaccinated, and therefore unprotected from an infectious disease variant that is aggressively spreading.
To ensure as much consistency as possible, local implementation of the Order will reflect many of the standards that were in place throughout much of the 2020-21 school year, including a series of accommodations and exceptions detailed within the Order. Answers to FAQs are also available on the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website. In a change from the 2020 Order and recognizing a steady accrual of evidence around disease transmission, face coverings are not required outdoors.”
In order to comply with this mandate the Ambridge Area School District will require students and staff to wear masks indoors with the exception of the activities below in accordance with the order from the Pennsylvania Department of Health:
“When an individual is: Engaged in an activity that cannot be performed while wearing a mask, such as eating and drinking, or playing an instrument that would be obstructed by the face covering; or Participating in high intensity aerobic or anerobic activities, including during a physical education class in a well-ventilated location and able to maintain a physical distance of six feet from all other individuals. When a child/student is participating in a sports practice activity or event, whether indoors or outdoors.”
The Ambridge Area School District will continue to work with the Pennsylvania Department of Health when the District encounters a positive COVID-19 Case.
Dr. Joseph Pasquerilla
Superintendent of Schools
Ambridge Area School District