Economy Elementary - Ambridge Area School District

Economy Elementary

A Message from Our Principal

Dear Economy Elementary Families:

It is my pleasure to serve as Principal at Economy Elementary School. I am always available to hear your concerns, and I value your input to make your child’s learning experience a positive one.  Our instructional day begins at 8:35 and ends at 3:05.

Economy Elementary offers an extensive after-school Enrichment Program. Check the Thursday Packets throughout the year for course offerings. Our course offerings include the following: Robotics, Art, Crafts, Tennis, Chess Club, Writing, and Physical Education.

Included in our curriculum for students in grades K-5 is conversational Spanish. Students may also participate in after-school PSSA Tutoring and Homework Club.  STEAM and Istation are also part of our curriculum as well as Office 365.

Our classrooms are equipped with Epson Projectors and Document Cameras that allow our teachers to deliver the most current and up-to date teaching practices.

At Economy Elementary, we feel that a strong line of communication between the home and school is the major contributor to student academic success. Feel free to contract your child’s teacher with any questions that you may have to make this a successful school year.

As parents, there are many things that you can do with your children at home to instill a love of learning. Children love to be read to by their parents, grandparents, or older siblings. Reading aloud to share stories is more than just fun. When you read to your child, you spark imagination, improve listening skills, build vocabulary, and teach an appreciation for books.

For students, completion of homework assignments builds responsibility. There are many ways parents can help at home to make their child responsible for homework. Parents can provide the necessary texts, materials, and supplies. They can create a special study area that is distraction free. Motivate your child by rewarding their efforts with praise and encouragement.

In addition, directing your child to use these fun learning sites will help them enjoy developing necessary skills: ,

In closing, I am looking forward to working closely with you to provide a quality education for all of our youngsters. I may be reached at 724-266-2833, Extension 6245 or at



Aphrodite N. Galitsis, Principal

Building Contacts

Galitsis, Aphrodite

Economy Elementary School

724.266.2833 x6245

Condit, Stella
Building Secretary

Economy Elementary School

724.266.2833 x6238

Ananea, Ashley
School Nurse

Economy Elementary School

724.266.2833 x6303

Sparacino, Linda
Building Secretary

Economy Elementary School

724.266.2833 x6240